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Our Story Our Story

Our Story


Hello, I'm Cristian Naca, the founder of FitFoodWay, and I am delighted to share the inspiring story of our journey. With a background in public food engineering and a profound passion for nutrition, I have always dreamed of building my own business in this field.

FitFoodWay was born in 2018 with the opening of our first unit, driven by the desire to provide healthy nutrition to help people achieve their desired physical goals, much like I did when seeking to increase my muscle mass. Initially, I started this business with a modest investment and equipment from a previously closed venture, achieving the long-awaited success.

With the support of my family, we managed to bring smiles to the faces of thousands of customers, continuing to invest and strengthen the business. The first partner, a colleague from my time working in central London, joined quickly, followed by other enthusiastic partners. Together, all members of this business and partners in FitFoodWay share the same passion for healthy food. Starting from scratch, we built a true FitFoodWay family, overcoming obstacles with determination.

We aim to captivate your senses with a daily menu that not only tantalizes your taste buds but also nurtures your well-being. Together, fueled by an unwavering passion to ensure customer satisfaction, we dedicate every aspect of our business to meet and exceed expectations. Maintaining the highest standards of integrity and excellence is non-negotiable for us, relying on transparency, honesty, and consistently delivering top-notch quality in all our efforts.

With pride, we announce today that FitFoodWay is present in over 30 cities across 3 countries, and we confidently dream that this expansion will continue. We aspire to remain a family business focused on small local operations, collaborating with local producers and community members.

We are always ready to assist our customers, offering solutions for any nutrition-related issue and promoting a healthy lifestyle. With much respect and admiration, the FitFoodWay family thanks you for being with us, and we are determined to continue this story of healthy eating together.